Westcom Point Mahiga Mairo Road Westlands Nairobi Kenya


Every aspect of Geosyndicate's operations is held up by strong values and brought to life by a commitment to do more than just work hard, but to work smart.

To Geosyndicate, smart goes beyond knowledge and resources, it is based constant communication and truly listening to what our clients are telling us. This is our way of always striving for a higher level of excellence.

Your critical path securely kept on track

Geosyndicate's Vast Expertise
at Your Disposal

Geosyndicate's service offer is comprehensive,
and above all, it is always fine-tuned to best meet your needs.


Development of Spatial Plans, Land Use Plan and Land cover Maps

Our company has experience and able team that delivers on the development of both County and National Spatial plans under the guidance of the National Lands Commission (NLC).

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GIS and Web Mapping

GeoSyndicate has best experience and a clear understanding of the specific client needs. It offers a host of GIS and Mapping services categorized under different heads depending upon the source of data, the type of processing required and the desired output.

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Remote Sensing and Earth Observation

Is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon, without making physical contact with the object. Our remotes sensing experience focuses mainly on the use of satellite imagery acquisition, rectification, pan-sharpening, analysis and interpretation.

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Use of Drones, Robots and other Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

The company, of late, has introduced the use of drones for low airborne data acquisition. These photographs are later processed to produce rectified and georeferenced photos which can be used in mapping.

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Land Degradation Assessments (LADA)

Our company has experience and able team in the application of GIS, Digital Elevation Models (DEMS), drones, imagery and other Remote Sensing methods in Land Degradation Assessments.

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Hydrogeological and Geophysical Surveys

GeoSyndicate has best experience and a clear understanding of the specific client needs. It offers a host of GIS and Mapping services categorized under different heads depending upon the source of data, the type of processing required and the desired output.

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Mining, Geology & Seismic Surveys

GeoSyndicate typically uses Aerial imagery acquired from hyperspectral and multispectral imaging sensors such as Landsat, ASTER, AVIRIS, and Hyperion for geological surveys, alteration zones mapping, and geomorphology applications.

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Mobile Data Collection and Location Based Services (LBS)

We are proud to have expertise and experience in the use of real time geo-data from mobile devices and smart phones to provide precise location and information.

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Implementation of National Addressing Systems (NAS) Frameworks

GeoSyndicate specializes in the creation of addresses for countries. These countries have various levels of addressing—from no recognized addresses to multiple addressing formats within the same country.

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GPS Surveys and Ground Truthing

Ground location survey, data collection and digital Maps become the base for all types of Network and Route Planning essential for various organizations.We undertake Comprehensive Surveys to map accurate location of any site in the most remote areas and collect attribute data.

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Aerial Photography and LiDAR Surveys

The company uses special high resolution digital aerial camera mounted on an airplane and used to acquire digital aerial photographs. We also specialize in the use of ground based and airborne LiDAR scanners.

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Defense and Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

Our team has expertise in situational monitoring for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. We are proud to be part of a team providing Digital Terrain/Elevation Models (DTM/DEM) for battlefield analysis and planning.

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Agriculture and Precision Farming

GeoSyndicate uses imagery data at different spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions for agricultural mapping and crop assessment, crop health, change detection, environmental analysis, irrigated landscape mapping, yield determination and soils analysis.

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Climate Change, Natural Resource Management, SEIAs

GeoSyndicate is having experience in NRM, REDD+, Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) studies to define the status of environment (like air quality data, water quality data etc).

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Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRR/DRM)

At GeoSyndicate Ltd, we are proud to support the humanitarian community involved in areas of Humanitarian Program Cycle (HPC) on Information Management with special emphasis on natural and human induced disasters.

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Oil and Gas Industry and Hydrocarbons

As an industry that fuels progress, development and basic human needs, the oil and gas industry is a vital part of the global economy. .

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